Peak Software Telephone Number: 01625 428220

Warranty Disposal

Creation date: 30/10/2019 15:47    Updated: 11/06/2020 08:37   disposal parts disposal track warranty warranty disposal warranty disposal screen


To allow users to record details of warranty parts removed from vehicles and track pre/post disposal


This will need to be enabled on your system, software support will need to do this for you

Main Warranty Disposal Screen

When you go to the parts menu a new button “Warranty Disposal” will be displayed.

On entering the Warranty Disposal Screen, a list of all warranty issued parts will be displayed.

The list can be sorted in two ways.

1)      Click on the header of the list box and the displayed list will be sorted in corresponding order.

2)      The search criteria buttons at the top of the page can be selected to show only parts that meet that criteria.

If the part has a serial number entered then at the beginning of the line a check box will be displayed.

A check box will only be displayed once the serial number is filled in. Selecting the check box will set the part to status ‘Disposed’ and the current date will be used as the disposal date, the current user will be set to the user. This box can be selected and deselected.  

De-selection will clear the disposal status, date and user.

Menu Buttons


This will produce a print of the parts in search and sort order that is currently on screen.


The clear function will ask for a ‘Disposal Date’. The routine will then remove parts from the disposal file that meet the following criteria:

  • Part has been marked for disposal
  • Part has been marked as Paid
  • The part disposal date is earlier than the entered date.

E.g.  Entered date 01/05/13, only parts with disposal date before 01 May 2013 will be removed.  A part of date 05/05/13 would not be removed even if disposal flag is set.

Clicking on an item line the following buttons become enabled:


This allows you to enter a serial number and bin location for the selected part.


This will set the selected part to a status of paid and the paid date will be set to the current date.


This will take you to the Stock maintenance screen and show the details of the selected part. On exit from the Stock maintenance, you will return to the Warranty Disposal screen.

Issue Parts

From the menu screen, Parts - Posting – Issues.

If you issue a warranty part to a job, a record will be created in the warranty disposal file and you will be given an opportunity to enter the serial number and bin location for the part. This will only occur on issuing the part. Moving a part from allocated to issued will also generate a record. If you don’t enter the serial number at this point, it can be entered later through the Warranty Disposal Screen.

If you remove a part from the issue list, it will also be removed from the warranty disposal file.

Invoicing a job in Workshop

If the job contains warranty parts and those parts do not have a serial number entered, you will not be able to continue through the invoicing stages of the job. The serial numbers must be entered first.