These are not all the reports available but the most commonly asked about
Reports on:
All stock (New, Demo & Used) vehicles by Make/ Model group and ageing them, according to purchase date, into 4 bands of:
Below 30 days,
31-60 days,
61-90 days
Over 90 days
with totals. Run at month end part one and two
Reports on:
All outstanding purchase payments on owned, consigned and adopted vehicles.
Note: these values are generated from the value entered when the vehicle is delivered, purchased or adopted.
The option to ‘Include vehicles not yet adopted’ should always be ticked for the month end report.
The report is also required by the accounts department to reconcile to the balance sheet vehicle creditors control account. Run at month end part one and two and should be reconciled to the nominal control account
Reports on:
All outstanding sales payments and sales order deposits held.
This report is also required by the accounts department to reconcile to the vehicle debtors balance sheet control account. Run at month end part one and two and should be reconciled to the nominal control account
Reports on:
Any costs outstanding on a vehicle.
It details stock number, reg number, make/model, engine number, VIN number, outstanding cost type e.g purchase payment. RFL. PDI etc
Detail of sales by Make Group, showing stock and registration number, purchase and book value, sales price ex VAT, bonuses, accessory sales and profit.
Useful for the accounts department to reconcile to the relevant P&L account.
Detail of sales by salesman giving similar information as above but also showing total profit for the individual salesman for this period and year to date.
Detail of all vehicles, by Make Group, in stock at the month end. Both the purchase and book value are printed along with any costs posted.
The New Make Group section also shows totals for consigned, adopted and demonstrators separately. The accounts department will require a copy to reconcile the balance sheet stock control nominal accounts.
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Car Sales Reports.mp4
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