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Change a vehicle from VAT Qualifying to Margin

Creation date: 11/12/2019 14:55    Updated: 14/05/2020 16:45   change to margin change to non qualifying margin non qualifying vat qualifying

If a vehicle was incorrectly added to stock as Qualifying and should be Margin, you can change this by:

  1. Click on Car Sales
  2. Enter the Stock Number or Reg Number
  3. Click on Postings
  4. Click on Change to Non Qualifying
  5. Enter in a Reference Number
  6. Click OK
  7. The 'Stock' and 'Financial' Tabs will then show the below transactions


NOTE: if a vehicle was put on as Margin and should have been qualifying you cannot amend this, you will need to sup purchase the vehicle to 0.00 values and sell out at 0.00 then bring the vehicle back in correctly as Qualifying
