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Record Locked to Another User

Creation date: 11/12/2019 16:27    Updated: 22/04/2020 14:58   crashed locked record locked record locked to another user

The 'Record Locked To Another User' can appear for a few reasons:

  • Someone else is also using the same program file i.e. invoicing to the same account, or amending the same job/vehicle/CRM code
    • Solution: Check and ensure no one else is accessing the same record and click retry this will then allow you to continue once the other user has come out of the record OR click Abort to let the other user continue and finish using the record before trying again.
  • Someone has crashed whilst using the program file therefore it has locked the file
    • Solution: Get others to log out of Peak who are using the same file i.e. if it says WS file locked get everyone out of Workshop and try again, if this does not work, contact Peak Support as they will need to ‘Unlock’ the crashed file on the server or see the instructions in General > Unlocking Acuserver Instructions in our Knowledge Base
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