Budgets can be set at Monthly or Parameters 1, 2, 3, or 4. These are set in the nominal ledger parameters and are variable percentage type budgets.
Gives you three options; (Refers to Sales Orders for the Customer to sign for every Sales Order)
No – If no is selected then no Sales orders will be printed,
Yes -If yes is selected Sales orders, can be printed but no Pro-Forma orders
Pro-Forma - if Pro-Forma is selected Pro-Forma and Sales orders can be printed. NOTE: Once a Pro-forma invoice is printed, none of the figures can be changed. The order has first to be cancelled and then re-entered.
This is the number of months you require to keep the documents for a vehicle so they can be reprinted. Vehicles are also shown as “sold” on the stock management screen for this period of time.
The number entered here is the minimum level of password a user has to have to be able to process in car sales. Below this level a user will only be able to view. Note the password set in Systems/Password Levels should now be the view level password. On a 0,3,6,9 password scenario, the systems/password level entry would be level 3 and the vehicle parameters entry would be level 6.
To be able to invoice vehicle sales a user must have a password level equal to or higher than this level. With a password level less than this level the user can process the vehicle to sales order but not invoice.
Note: Documents can only be re-printed if they are set to generate e.g. if order or invoicing printing is set at ‘No’ the documents will not be generated. Similarly if ‘No’ is answered to the ‘Produce Self-Billed Invoice’ question during the processing of a sales invoice, no document is generated and therefore no reprint can be obtained.
If ticked will allow discounts to be entered and viewed on the invoice on used cars. If left un-ticked the discount entered will automatically reduce the basic sale price.
Simple Yes (ticked) or No (unticked) to print sales invoices
Simple Yes (ticked) or No (unticked) to print self billed purchase invoices
Simple Yes (ticked) or No (unticked) to enable job requisitions to be raised. These can be manual or automatic
Manual – No setting is required other than the tick in the Enable box. This will allow requisitions to be raised manually in the vehicle record. They will have to be completed manually when the workshop job is completed. Note: If requisition not marked as complete, you will be unable to confirm the sale until it is.
Automatic – Once the Enable box is ticked click on Settings and the following screen will appear.
When you click into Settings another screen will appear with the following:
Last Job Requisition Number should be left as it is updated by system.
Automatically Create a job card tick if automatic requisitions are required
Default Department for requisitions should be entered
Merge Requisitions tick this if you require all open requisitions to be merged on one job card. Any time extras are added to the sales order they will merge onto the current job.
Create Requisition for Used Stock Receipt tick if you want this to happen
Create Requisition for Non Trade Sales Order if ticked will create requisition for all non trade orders at time of sales order. This will transfer directly to the Workshop Diary as a requisition and can be booked into the diary on the day required.
If this box is ticked users will require a password level higher than the Process Mode password level to be able to access any tabs on the vehicle record other than the Vehicle tab and Service History tab
Again the user must have a password level higher than the Process Mode password level to enable to user to access the Post Costs menu.
The screen holds information of the:
These fields are updated automatically when details are entered via stock management, but need to be input manually at Set-up if you do not wish to start them at zero
HP Commission and RFL Refunds can be transferred to the sales ledger and external cost posted directly to the vehicle from the purchase ledger.
However the nominal links allow values not transferred to the sales ledger or posted directly from the purchase ledger, to be held in these nominal clearing accounts. Balance sheet accounts should be entered in these boxes.
They are all Clearing accounts that allow values to be entered onto the vehicle to obtain a more accurate profit forecast. For the RFL Refund and HP Commission entries, a balancing entry is should be processed when the monies are received.
The External balancing entry comes from the Purchase Ledger when the supplier invoice is posted.
Many of the drop down menus used in the various fields of the stock record are held in a Table.
The tables are all displayed here and can be added to and deleted from as required.
One or two may need clarification as to their use and these are possibly
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