These are not all the reports available but the most commonly asked about
Reports on:
Attended, Worked, Charged and Standing hours.
Productive hours and sold hours are broken down by retail, trade, internal and warranty
Total hours for each technician and each department
The Calculations are shown at the bottom of this page
Reports for a specified date range by job number and invoice number:
The hours invoiced/credited
The revenue for each technician and each department. NB If the labour analysis flag is not activated on the parameters screen, the revenue is the average per labour hour
Reports on:
The labour hours and parts value (by product group) issued to each job
Shows an analysis by department of labour hours and value by type (retail, trade internal and warranty)
Parts issued cost and sales value by product group.
This is for all open jobs on the system.
Reports on:
All invoices/credit notes processed (audit trail).
Shows total value and VAT value
Total parts and labour and the payment type.
This report is generated by the end of month processing. A line for each month is printed with: Attended hours, productive hours, sold hours by retail, internal, warranty. Efficiency, Number of MOT’s, Number of franchise jobs, Number of Repair Orders and Franchised Parts sold and total
If you select breakdown by department and breakdown by franchise you get the same information above but extra lines for the department and franchise totals
Lists status of all jobs dated for selected date. Job, vehicle and customer information are printed. Job items, Job Notes, cancelled jobs and Invoiced jobs can be included in the report. This can also be exported to a spreadsheet
Explanation of efficiency report hours and how various entries are calculated.
Workable Hours present + sick + holiday
Absent Hours sick + holiday
Attended Hours present
Standing (A) Hours standing
Standing (D) Hours available – productive hours
Available Hours attended – standing (A)
WIP Hours worked not yet invoiced
Productive Hours worked
Sold Hours invoiced
Utilization Productive hours / Available hours
Productivity Chargeable hours / Available hours
Efficiency Chargeable hours / Productive hours
Efficiency Chargeable hours / Attended hours
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